Earthworks A - Gallant

Course Syllabus

 Earthworks A and B 

Teacher: Mr. Gallant 



Course Description:


Earthworks is a course about creating art from natural materials. 


Teacher Expectations of Students: 


  1. Be respectful of others (their property and the school) 
  2. Be responsible (come to class prepared and on time) 
  3. Follow rules (class and safety rules) and procedures 
  4. The teacher dismisses the class not the bell 
  5. Be to class on time 
  6. Be honest 
  7. No headphone use unless approved before hand 



Assignments & Grades:


1. Daily Participation Grade (50% of total grade) • Each student has a bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) grade starting with up to 100 points possible (normally 20 points per day, unless no school or an excused absence) • Points will be deducted for any infraction in class. These infractions are, but not limited to, coming to class unprepared, not working in a safe and productive way, breaking classroom rules, being tardy or not helping cleanup at end of day. Receiving safety reminders and failure to be productive while in class.


2. Projects (50% of total grade) 


Attendance: • Unexcused absences will result in no credit for daily participation or quizzes that are given on the same day as the unexcused absence. Excused absences have twice the amount of excused time to complete any missing work or quizzes. 


Class Policies & Procedures (Also see student handbook): 

  1. Every student must act in a safe and responsible manner because of the many laboratory and classroom situations. You must demonstrate respect for your classmates. Failure to conduct your self in a safe manner will result in immediate discipline including, but not limited to: detentions, phone call home, and if needed a parent/school/ student conference or at teacher’s discretion, dropped from class when safety is an issue. 
  2. The classroom and/or shop will be picked up and clean before any student may leave the room. 
  3. Appropriate dress (especially in the shop) is required at all times. In addition, safety glasses and closed toed shoes must be worn at all times while working in the shop. NO EXCEPTIONS. 
  4. The shop is a privilege, not a right. If you can not act in a safe and responsible manner, you will be assigned book work and restricted from the shop. 5. Discipline for breaking the academic integrity code, student conduct responsibilities, and/or classroom expectations will be dealt with using the policy set forth by the Student Handbook. 6. You are responsible for obtaining missed work. I will not seek you out to give you missed work; you must check with me to see what you missed. Any work assigned on the day of an unexcused absence can not be made up.

    Teacher Contact: Email:

Course Summary:

Date Details Due