Course Syllabus


Mr. Torre



Students will gain a strong foundation in algebra in preparation for future algebra and geometry classes. These are the units covered.

  1. Variables, expressions, and integers
  2. Solving equations
  3. Multi-step equations and inequalities
  4. Factors, fractions, and exponents
  5. Rational numbers and equations
  6. Ratio, proportion, and probability
  7. Percents
  8. Linear functions


Student outcomes

  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  4. Model with mathematics.
  5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
  6. Attend to precision.
  7. Look for and make use of structure.
  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.



Please communicate any concerns or questions in person during school hours or through email at any time. I will address all student and parent questions in my email as thoroughly and promptly as possible. Do not expect an immediate response to emails outside of school hours.

Each student will leave the class with all the information needed to complete assigned work before the scheduled completion date. Assignments and handouts will also be available through Canvas.

If you miss class, it is your responsibility to keep up with the class. There will usually be enough information on Canvas to do so. In any case, it is a good idea to email me and tell me what you need.



We will sometimes need a computer during class time. Please bring your school laptop to class with a charged battery.


Check Your Understanding Exercises

Most days, there will be exercises provided to do at home. These exercises are an excellent opportunity to check if you understand the material.



Grades communicate what parts of a specific topic a student has learned. The grade on a topic will change as the student learns in this class. Expect to start with a low score that increases as you master a subject.

The only way to influence the grade is through assessments. After every evaluation, students will see a rubric detailing their demonstrated skills and where they need more work. Students will have multiple opportunities to show their understanding of each skill.

We will have two cumulative assessments worth 10% each at the end of each semester (mid-term and final).


Behavior / Classroom Expectations:

  • Come to class on time, prepared, and with all necessary supplies and assignments.
  • Turn off and put away electronic devices unless otherwise instructed.
  • Be respectful and polite at all times - towards everyone and everything.
  • If you need to leave the room during class:
    • Ask permission
    • Sign out