Course Syllabus
Advanced Placement 2-D Art and Design
Prd 3, Room 250 (Butler Building)
Instructor Information
Melissa Rioux is the teacher for this course as well as Visual and Performing Arts Dept chair for George Stevens Academy. She joined the GSA community in Sept 2020. She spent ten years teaching and writing curriculum for Publicolor, a not for profit in NYC, and teaching jewelry making at the 92nd St Y before moving home to raise her family in 2015.
School Phone: 374-2808 ext email:
Office Hours: By Appointment during Prd 4 on both A and B days
Textbooks and Other Materials
Students are expected to design and construct their own sketchbooks that they are expected to work on throughout the course. These should be brought to class each day, and only be left in the classroom for grading. Students are expected to check their Canvas accounts daily for posted material. Students are allowed to sign out materials with the instructors permission and signature.
Additional books TBA
Course Description
This is a year long class that will run into Q3 with the development and submission of a portfolio with the theme of your choosing. Research, field trips, oral and written critiques will be integral parts of this course. All students will submit a portfolio at the end of the course (May) that has followed the AP Art and Design Portfolio Submission requirements. Students will complete both sections (Sustained Investigation and Selected Work Quality Section) of the portfolio. This course will emphasize ongoing documented experimentation with design concepts, composition, and media that uses ‘Design Journals (DJs)’ (sketchbooks). Students will use these DJs daily, and they will be the core source of ideation and documentation of their artmaking. Artist growth, ideas, and final artworks will be investigated through the use of these books. As a part of this course, students must develop their own personal voice. Mastery of concepts, composition, execution, varied art mediums, mixed media, and themes, concepts, subject matter, and content are an expected outcome. Students will understand that creating and developing art is a constant, ongoing activity that involves personal decision making. Students will understand that in order to for their artwork to achieve quality in concept, composition, and execution, it includes much risk taking, experimenting, and research. This risk-taking process will be documented in their Design Journals (DJs).
Artistic Integrity, copyright, professional ethics, moving beyond duplication, and plagiarism will be discussed on an ongoing basis and are embedded throughout the course, and in core instruction of the course.
Throughout the course students are encouraged to work from their individual direct life observation of things in their world, their environment, their dreams, and their fantasies.
Learning Objectives
Students will demonstrate a thorough understanding of the elements of art and principles of design through an investigative experimentation of ideas, materials, and processes using electronic media in conjunction with traditional art mediums, materials, and processes.
- Learn and value the investigative process of recording ideas, solving problems, and using these ideas for artwork creating.
- Use decision making skills to assess visual problems.
- Become an active communicator in the artmaking process with self, instructors, peers, and the art community.
- Develop a Sustained Investigation—a personal investigation (body of artwork) that focuses on a special area of visual problems to solve.
- Develop and choose five high-quality works that are excellent in concept, composition and execution to submit for the Selected Works section in their final portfolio.
Assessment and Grading
Assessment will reflect the effort in learning skills and techniques in concert with a students's artistic outcomes and the cultivation of their creativity. There will be the copying and study of Master works as well as the time for original works. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students will be graded on their sustained use of a sketchbook for both classwork and homework. Assignments will be posted and submitted through Canvas. Class Field Trips TBA.
Timely submission of work is encouraged, there is no guarantee that late work will be accepted.
Attendance and Participation
Students are expected to arrive on time, with their projects/sketchbooks, prepared to work. All students are expected to participate in classroom discussion and class critique to the best of their abilities. If a student is expecting to miss multiple days of school it is their responsibility to keep up and to communicate about their absence with the teacher.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |